insolvency & bankruptcy

Seamless service provider for all stressed situations

The insolvency & bankruptcy practice has been closely involved in advising creditors, debtors and investors in several large out-of-court restructurings, including bond restructuring matters. The Firm is also the go-to law firm for matters under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (the IBC), and has advised creditors, acquirers and office-holders (resolution professionals or liquidators) in a number of leading cases under the IBC.

The Firm has been at the forefront of the emerging jurisprudence on the new insolvency law. The partners in the Firm have deep expertise in practice areas such as Financing, Restructuring, Projects Advisory and Dispute Resolution. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Practice Group has been seamlessly integrated at the Firm with the Finance, Projects and Dispute Resolution capabilities along with M&A Practice Group, Employment Practice Group, Tax Practice Group and other practice areas. This gives us an advantage to deal with intricate nuances of diverse aspects of restructuring i.e., both advisory and dispute resolution under the IBC and outside the IBC regime and to deliver effective solutions to complex problems arising during the insolvency resolution process.

• Industry leaders active in the restructuring space for over 20 years and contributed significantly to the evolution of IBC in India.
• Consistently rated among the top most practice in India with most high-profile mandates.

Stand Out Deals

  • Insolvency & Bankruptcy

CIRP of National Steel & Agro Industries Limited

  • Insolvency & Bankruptcy

CIRP of National Steel & Agro Industries Limited

  • Insolvency & Bankruptcy

Resolution plan for Imagicaaworld Entertainment Limited

Thought Leadership

  • YouTube video

    IBC & evolving resolution landscape – Part II

    Webinar Series 1 | ‘Cruising the Curve – Looking Ahead Legally’ hosted by Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas in association with Mint. An insightful Webinar Series analysing evolving legal, policy, and r...

    May 30, 2020
    Read More
  • YouTube video

    IBC & evolving resolution landscape – Part I

    Webinar Series 1 | ‘Cruising the Curve – Looking Ahead Legally’ hosted by Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas in association with Mint. An insightful Webinar Series analysing evolving legal, policy, and r...

    May 30, 2020
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